

Diesel generators are extremely important in almost every industry especially where grid power is unreliable or absent. It is crucial to monitor these generators continuously to prevent power outages and downtime. Invendis remote DG monitoring system provides you access to generator control functions and operational data and helps to manage your generator(s) efficiently.In combination with fuel monitoring system, it helps in

Detecting fuel pilferage and leakage

Maintenance and repair needs

Improving TPM overall ROI

Key Features

Data Visualization

Real-Time Alarms

Report & Analysis


Predictive maintenance

Analyses parametersand help clients to take preventive measures, schedule maintenance and reduce revisits to site.


Help take corrective measures to prevent failure, fuel theft without having to station security team on site.

Improved equipment health

As the data collected is processed by the AI-powered cloud interface that helps customers improve the reliability of the equipment based on the usage.

Software Features

  • Data Visualization
  • Real-time alarms
  • Reports and analysis

Data Visualization

  • Dashboards
  • Charts
  • Energy monitoring
  • DG battery voltage monitoring

Real-time alarms

  • Real-time fuel leak monitoring
  • Fuel theft alerts
  • Fuel contamination detection


Reports and analysis

  • Predictive maintenance
  • Region/zone summary report
  • Run hours report
  • Load and energy generation analytics